🧉 I lived +5 very happy years in Argentina, and I still say Re and Boludo. 
📺 I love writing non-transcendental poetry (I was on TV for rhyming nonsense).
🏀 Basketball was my sport.
🦿 I have learned to walk 3 times in my life (due to the previous point), so I'm very resilient. 
🍳 I make the best 'tortilla de patata' (potato omelet).
🤷‍♀️ I'm nicer in person than on this web (dogs crossing my path confirm this). 
🔣 I have Catalan accent when I speak Spanish, and Spanish accent when I speak English.
↘️ The rest of the text below is about my career, if you don't have time to read it, contact me and I will tell you in person.

_TBWA\ Media Arts Lab London
_Area 23 New York
_McCann Health New York
_FCB Cure New York
_FCB Health New York
_IPG Health New York
_VMLY&R Madrid
_TBWA Madrid​​​​​​​
_DDB Barcelona
_VMLY&R London
_Ogilvy Madrid
_Humancare New York
_Bakery Agency Texas
_TBS Madrid​​​​​​​

Freelance Creative Director (CW) based in Barcelona, with +9 years of experience. Multi-disciplinary creative passionate on  building campaigns with simple, bold and powerful insights. Currently working for global and independent agencies around the world. Well, mainly in the US, UK & Spain but I’ll be happy to add more countries.
I started my career in Barcelona until I moved to Buenos Aires in 2015. There, I worked at Ogilvy Argentina, then at Dhélet VMLY&R, building a brand with purpose together with Telefónica Movistar and many other clients that allowed me to start working with global brands and to develop my international career. 
In 2019 I lived one of the best experiences (professionally speaking) when I was selected as the best LIAisons argentine creative, so I had the great opportunity to go to Las Vegas and take part in the LIA awards. I enjoyed it very much despite losing some money playing slots.
As all changed with Covid, I also changed my place to live. After more than 5 years abroad I went back to Barcelona as an ACD. I worked in Madrid until I started my career as a freelancer (due to Spanish paperwork this is not the best place to do so, but well, it’s sunny!). As a freelance Creative, I’ve been participating in local, regional and global pitches. And what I love most about that is not to be my own boss, but to have many different ones throughout the year. I’ve met many talented creatives, many creative cultures and many different clients, (and yes, I fulfilled a dream when I worked for Apple).
As a copywriter I consider myself a film lover, an insight explorer and an “always learning” person as I’m very curious. 
Since 2023 I fight to see more creative women in the sector together with Más Mujeres Creativas. And I teach values and creativity at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. 

Thanks for reading!

_2021- Today
Freelance Creative Director (CW)

_2023 & 2024 (10 month)
TBWA Media Arts Lab (London)
Freelance Associate Creative Director (CW)
AREA 23 
Freelance Associate Creative Director (CW)

Associate Creative Director (CW)

Senior CW 

 Junior CW 

Trainee CW


_2024 - Currently
Creativity teacher at Pompeu Fabra University Barcelona
(Ranked #150 best university in the wold)
_2023 - 2024
Teacher at Brother Barcelona Ad School of Creativity
(Ranked Cannes Lions School of the year 2023)


_Movistar                                      _Sephora 
_Apple                                           _Pfizer
_Coca-cola                                   _Telefónica global
_Generalitat de Catalunya          _Royal Canin
_MAPFRE                                     _Arcor
_The Cocktail collection             _KH7
_Cruz Roja                                    _Colgate
_Danone Global                           _Grupo Petersen (Bancos)
_Occident                                     _NNormal
_DirecTV                                      _Dazn
_HP                                               _Bacardí
_Huggies                                      _Real Madrid
_Lays                                            _VW
_Fox                                              _Mahou
_Turismocity                                _Merck
_Campari                                     _Orlando
_Badoo                                        _Teatro Eslava
_Bimbo                                        _Powerade   
_Disney Pixar                              _Pfizer                               
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